
Pisang Goreng Fried Banana

Pisang Goreng Fried Banana
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Pisang Goreng Fried Banana

Crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. These hot, fried banana fritters disappear very quickly once made.

ICED water is required for this recipe.

The Recipe Intro includes some step wise images and tips. Check it out.

read the recipe introduction

Pisang Goreng Fried Banana


plain flour 1 cup / 125 gms
fine rice flour ½ cup / 80 gms
of salt (1/8 tsp) Pinch
of turmeric powder (optional) Pinch
baking powder 2 tsp
kapur (powdered lime), mixed to a paste with a little water 1 tsp
ICE COLD WATER 1 cup / 250 ml
- 'new oil' for deep frying (I use peanut oil) As needed
sized bananas (just ripe and still firm) 8 small -  medium


  1. Sift the flour, rice flour, baking powder, salt and turmeric powder into a bowl.
  2. Keep bananas peeled. If using plantain, or larger bananas, slice into uniform sized, elongated pieces.
  3. Add the oil for frying to a medium sized wok.  Turn on the heat and bring to frying temperature, while you mix the batter. (If using an instant read thermometer, it should read about 190 ºc).
  4. Add the powdered lime paste to the bowl of sifted ingredients.
  5. Gradually, pour in the ice cold water, whilst stirring to make a thick batter. Make sure the lime paste is well incorporated/distributed.
  6. Dip each banana ( or slice)  into the batter turning to coat thoroughly.
  7. Slide into the hot oil and fry in batches. Do not overcrowd the wok.
  8. Allow the oil to come back to temperature before adding the next batch. Strain and discard any fried bits from the oil, before adding each batch. I usually fry two at a time.
  9. Fry till golden brown and crisp 4-6 minutes.
  10. Drain thoroughly and serve warm.


Pisang Goreng Fried Banana


  • If you happen to have lots of time, you can even chill the batter in the fridge. Add all ingredients for batter except the slaked lime and baking powder. Add this prior to frying.
  • Mix in the powdered lime and the ice cold water into the batter immediately prior to frying. Get the oil hot before you mix the batter.
  • Use ‘new oil’ for frying this snack, as the batter will absorb color and flavor of oil used for other purposes. This will also make the Pisang Goreng less crispy.

Key Ingredients: Banana, Plain Flour, Rice Flour, Oil, Salt, Baking Powder.

Let us know if you tried it -Pisang Goreng Fried Banana

read the recipe introduction





10 min


10 min
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