Twister Potatoes
Twister Potatoes, also called Tornado Potatoes, Tornado Fries, Spiral or Twister Fries are a really popular street food, originally developed in South Korea. These are whole potatoes, that are spiral cut and put on a skewer before they are deep fried. They are seasoned with many variations and some variations even have sausage in between.
Although a special manual worked piece of machinery is used to cut the potatoes commercially, we can get then same effect at home, using a simple cutting technique. It is slightly different from the machine cut, yet with practice, you will be able to make the very thin. See how the Picture below, the Potato resembled a slinky (remember those?).
I am sharing a video on how to do this effectively at home. Follow the video instructions and you can make them perfectly! Please send me pics if you try. (
Scroll down for Recipe.

Twister Potatoes

You are here: Quick Browse > Snacks > Twister Potatoes
Recipe Name: Twister Potatoes Recipe Type Street Snacks Author: Shana c/o Recipes ‘R’ Simple Prep time: 5 min Cook time 5 min Total time: 10 min Yield: ( 1 stick ) |

Watch the Video or click to read Complete Recipe – Below.
How to make – Twister Potatoes
- Cut the potatoes into spiral, using the hack shown in the video.
- Skewer using bamboos skewers.
- Deep fry.
- Season.
- Watch the Video above or click for recipe page to see step-wise pics.
Various ways to season the fried twister potatoes
- Sprinkle with Salt and pepper.
- Sprinkle with chilli powder and salt.
- Sprinkle cheese powder.
- Pipe with Mayonnaise.
- Pipe with Ketchup.
- Pipe with NACHO CHEESE.
- Pipe with BBQ Sauce.
- Sprinkle Salt and seaweed powder.
- Sprinkle with salt and Italian seasoning.
- Sprinkle with Garlic Salt.
- Pipe with Garlic Sauce.
- Pipe with Honey and Sprinkle salt.
It is recommended that you open the recipe page and keep this page going if you like to WATCH / LISTEN to the video alongside the written instructions.
Key Ingredients: Potatoes, Salt, Seasonings and Sauces as required.
EAT AND TELL!!! Let us know if you tried – Twister Potatoes
Mail me your pics and testimonials 🙂 –
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