Super Soft Chocolate Sponge Fudge Cake
This super moist spongecake is great for chocoholics!. With an easy Chocolate Fudge Filling and Topping.Decorate as desired! Chocaliciously Gorgeous!
Super Soft Chocolate Sponge Fudge Cake
For the cake:
- 8 yolks + 10 whites of egg seperated
- ¾ tsp cream of tartar
- 1 cup of Castor Sugar
- 1 cup + 2 Tbsp Cake Flour
- ¹⁄3 cup good quality coco powder (normal or dutch processed)
- ½ tsp of salt
- 1 ½ tsp vanilla extract
- 2 Tbsp store bought Orange (no pulp please) + ¾ Tbsp Water + mixed together and set aside
- ½ cup vegetable oil or sunflower
For Fudgy Filling and Frosting:
- 150 gms / ²⁄ 3 cups grams white marshmallows
- 50 gms / 3.5 Tbsp butter softened
- 250 gms OR 1 – 1 ¼ cups good semi sweet chocolate chopped into small pieces
- 4 tbsp hot water
- 284 mls/ just over 1 CUPS double cream OR whipping cream
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
For Decorating:
- Chocolate Bites, Decorative Sprinkles or make your own Icing decorations.
For Fudge Frosting:
- To a medium saucepan, add chocolate,butter,marshamallow and water. Heat and Melt all the ingredients while stirring. Allow to cool.
- Whip the Cream and vanilla together and fold into the cooled mixture. Fill an plastic ziploc bag and refrigerate till time to apply to cake.
- Take out the eggs from the refrigerator, separate white and yolks. Make sure theres no trace of yellow in the white. cover→set aside and allow to come down to room temperature.
- Put the 1 cup sugar for the cake in a food processor and process for 30 seconds – 1 minute to create a fine granulated sugar.- a must for our light as air cake.→set aside..
- Sieve the Cake flour,Coco Powder and salt together repeatedly for 3 times. First sieve into a wide bowl. Then drop onto waxed lunch paper or parchment paper and use this paper to easily drop the flour back into the sieve easily. and repeat this process twice→set aside.
- Mix the oil, juice+ water solution and vanilla in a cup and set aside,allowing to bring to room temperature→set aside.

The Cake:
- Preheat the oven now to 350°F / 180ºc
- In Processor with whisk attachment , beat the egg yolks with the fine granulated sugar that we had set aside. Beat until a very Pale Yellow and creates ribbon like streaks when lifted.→ set aside
- In Another large Bowl using a hand mixer with wire whisk attachment,(Make sure there is absolutely not residue from the previous cooking on the bowl or whisk.It should be sterile and dry for best results.) Beat the Egg Whites till foamy.Add the creme of tartar.Continue beating till soft peaks form.At this point its better to continue beating by hand till stiff peaks occur(Do not over beat)
- Give the oil/Juice mixture that we set aside a stir. Add this to the Yolk Mixture.Stir to incorporate.
- Now add the flour that we had sieved thrice into this yolk/oil mixture a little at a time till all the flour is evenly incorporated.
- Lastly add the whipped egg white and fold into the flour batter.This should be done with a plastic spatula or whisk,folding in the egg white quite quickly without over mixing(IMPORTANT)also make sure there is no thick yolk mixture at the bottom of the bowl..Fold in gently but quickly till all the egg white is used.(A little bit of white lines is okay but no thick bits of yellow!)Divide & Pour into 2 cake pans equally(eyeball it).Pat gently on counter top move from side to side and pat again to remove air bubbles.Bake 30-35 minutes or till centre is set. Remove from oven and INVERT onto wire elevated Wire racks.(this will prevent the cake from sinking and cool off from the bottom; a good way to elevate is to place the wire racks atop kitchen colanders or baskets.).
- Once the cakes are cooled completely use a sharp knife to go around the edge of the pans to release the cake onto flat plates. Slice each cake into two using a broad serrated knife. (I find the plastic serrated cake knife you get along with birthday cakes works well for this purpose)
- Cut o corner of the ziploc bag filled with fudge.
- Pipe a layer of fudge toppinng on three slices of cake. Then place the topmost cake and start to frost the outside with the remaining fudge.
- Decorate as desired.

Super Soft Chocolate Sponge Fudge Cake
- It is important that once the yolks are mixed and egg whites stiff, all the mixing should be done relatively fast and batter placed in oven, If the batter sits too long it tends not to give a light sponge.
- Make sure your bowl , whisk and whipping cream are chilled before making the whipped cream : or it simply will not get peaks. If you live in a humid climate and the temperature rises drastically when you take out the utensils from the freezer its better to place the mixing bowl in a basin of ice and cold water to ensure the cream gets whipped!
- When whisking egg whites it is absolutely essential that your bowl and wire whisk are free from any residue. I like to wash these utensils with vinegar and warm water and scrub clean with soap after every use.
- Please use aluminum pans and not non stick.(ungreased!)
- Do not leave the cake in the oven to cool.When done immediately invert on wired racks to cool.
- If you are planning to serve your cake the next day,I would bake the cake the dy before and refridgerate ,then whip the cream and add the topping on the day of serving to prevent the cream from melting. Although my cream has lasted without issue over night! Never leave the cream to whisk in the bowl to answer the phone or anything as you will risk the chance of making butter by over-beating it;Keep close watch!
- Its a good idea to set around 3 large bowls one of which should be very large.
- 3 medium bowls, 2 small bowls, measuring cups, spoons and all the ingredients and processor/mixer/whisks before you start anything or your kitchen can get chaotic!
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