Stuffed Mussels | Kallumakkaya Nirachathu
Stuffed Mussels | Kallumakkaya Nirachathu – Mussels Stuffed with a ground rice and coconut paste, steamed and then fried. This is one very tasty Malabar Snack. It gives the impression that it is hard to make, when in actuality it is not so difficult at all! In the Malabar region, these are made on special occasions or for special guests. And being such ardent lovers of hospitality, you can be sure these snacks are made quite frequently
‘Kallumakkaya’ is the native word for Mussels. They are also known as ‘Kadukka’. ‘Nirachathu’ translated, means ‘Stuffed’. The dish is also sometimes called ‘Arikadukka’ – ‘Ari’ refers to the rice used for making the stuffing. Although I love it crisp an fried all on its own, some like to use a dipping sauce of some kind. Thousand Island dressing or Tartar Sauce are good choices
Stuffed Mussels | Kallumakkaya Nirachathu
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Recipe Name: Stuffed Mussels | Kallumakkaya Nirachathu
Recipe Type: Seafood
Author: Shana c/o Recipes ‘R’ Simple
Prep time:
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Yield: (5 servings)
Mussels are best prepared the same day that they are purchased. Make sure your are buying them from a trusted source, to confirm freshness. They are best kept in the fridge, placed in a bowl with just a damp cloth placed over them. Don’t pour fresh water over them and set them aside as this tends to kill the mussels. Use salted water for any soaking period – not more than 20 minutes. Discard any mussels, that have cracks/openings in them. Fresh mussels should smell of the sea.. and they should not smell too fishy!
- 2 dozen fresh mussels
- 2 cups parboiled grains of rice – I use Kaima/ Jeerakasala Rice
- 2 cups grated, fresh coconut
- 1 red onion, chopped ( about ½ cup)
- 1 tsp fennel seeds
- ½ tsp cumin seeds
- 3 Tbsp kashmiri chilli powder
- ½ Tbsp turmeric powder
- Coconut oil for frying – as needed
Stuffed Mussels | Kallumakkaya Nirachathu
- Rinse and soak the rice in hot water for 2 hours in advance.
- Afterwards, drain the rice thoroughly – set aside in colander.
- Add the onion, fennel and cumin to a small processor and pulse till roughly chopped.
- To a wet grinder Or an heavy duty blender, add alternating layers of soaked rice, coconut and the onion mixture. Grind to a very smooth and thick paste, ADDING ONLY ENOUGH water to assist in grinding. ¼ -½ cup water. (If you add too much water, the paste will be too runny, for stuffing. The rice is soaked enough so that its grinds smoothly with just the help of a little water).
- Set aside the paste/dough, while you clean the mussels.
Cleaning the Mussels:
- After you have discarded the cracked mussels, place them in a bowl with salted water and allow to sit for 20 minutes. Shake them gently to help to remove any traces of dirt. Rinse out the insides of all the ‘open’ mussels too. Farmed mussels have much less dirt than the wild variety.
- Drain the mussels. Tap them against the kitchen counter to check that they close. This means ‘there’s still somebody home’ – and are fit to eat! Discard those that don’t close. (Some close only gradually).
- Use a clean scouring pad, a blunt spoon or the back of a small knife to clean the mussels. Rinse each one under running water. Scrape off the barnacles and pull out the ‘beard’ from the corner. This is done most thoroughly by using the blunt side of a small kitchen knife to get a grip of the beard and pull firmly to remove it.
Stuff and Cook the Mussels:
- Gently pry open the closed mussels (using a small knife) gently and stuff with the rice paste. (Keep a bowl of water to wet your hands between each stuffing).
- Place a steaming rack (elevated, perforated plate) over simmering water. Place the stuffed mussels on the rack. Cover and steam for 20-25 minutes (or till no longer sticky). Top up the boiling water below as needed.
- Allow to cool slightly. Remove the shells, making sure the meat sticks to the steamed dumpling. Easy way to do this : Remove one shell, using the shell, scrape the dumpling off the remaining shell, gently so that any meat stays in contact with the dumpling and doesn’t come off with the shell.
- Mix the chilli powder, turmermeric powder and a little salt with very little water to make a spice batter.
- Heat oil for frying .
- Dip the steamed stuffing/dumpling in the spice batter to coat lightly. Fry in batches till lightly golden. Drain on paper towels.
- Your hot, Crisp and delicious Malabar snack ‘ Kallumakkaya Nirachathu’ is ready to be enjoyed! Enjoy 🙂
Stuffed Mussels | Kallumakkaya Nirachathu
Key Ingredients: Mussels, Rice, Coconut, Onion, Fennel seeds, Cumin seeds, Coconut oil, Chilli powder, Turmeric powder, Salt
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