Soy Milk Recipe | How to make Soy Milk – Steps
Soy Milk originated in China and has gained worldwide popularity. Many people drink it for the love of its flavor and the boost effect it provides. Soy Milk is a good source of protein and contains no cholesterol. It does not however contain as much calcium as cows milk. The health benefits of Soy Milk are still widely under debate, but it is proven to be a good weight loss substitute for milk (if sugar is omitted). Some people swear it helps with headaches and hot flashes! Personally, When I am busy, rushing around and trying to finish a pile load of work: a drink of this cool, slightly sweetened drink provides me with a sense of refreshment and boost in energy. For those of you who have never had Soy Milk, It is an acquired taste, but not all commercial brands taste the same, so experiment.
Soy Milk Recipe | How to make Soy Milk – Steps
Recipe Type: Drinks and Beverages
Author: Recipes ‘R’ Simple
Soak time: overnight
Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook time: 30
Total time: 50
Serves: 4
- 1½ cups soy beans
- 10- 11 or more cups of water
- Sugar to taste
Soy Milk Recipe | How to make Soy Milk – Steps
- Soak the soy beans overnight in plenty of fresh water.
- In the morning you will see, they have almost doubled in size and changed their shape from rounded balls into more of a bean shape.
- Gentle scrubbing should remove the outer skin.
- Scrub under running water and keep discarding the skins that come off.
- Remove as much of the skin as possible.
- Rinse the beans once again.
- Add the soy beans in batches, with enough water and blend well – 2-3 minutes.
- The blended solution will be slightly grainy. This is normal.
- Add the mixture into a large pot. (Non stick is best)
- Bring to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon. Do not leave the kitchen. Keep an eye on it or the milk will boil over and create unnecessary cleanup!
- Continue to simmer on low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Remove the frothy scum that forms over the simmering soy milk.
- Remove occasionally till there is very little foamy residue on top. Do not go overboard and remove the pulp 🙂 .
- Now strain the milk through a muslin cloth.
- Wait for the pulp to cool down. (It’s very hot). Then squeeze the cloth to strain as much milk as possible.
- Now add as much boiled water as needed to achieve the consistency that you like. Some like it very strong. Some a little more dilute.
- Add sugar to taste.
- Serve hot or Chill completely and serve cold!
- We love it cold! If you’ve got a cold/flu however, it’s super served hot!
Try it and let us know – Soy Milk Recipe | How to make Soy Milk – Steps .
- A few Pandan / Screwpine leaves are added to the milk as it simmers for a different flavor.

Wow.. that was such a nutritious post…