
Grandma’s Kannur Varutharacha Chicken Curry

Grandma’s Kannur Varutharacha Chicken Curry
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Grandma’s Kannur Varutharacha Chicken Curry

Authentic, Heirloom recipe of Kannur Varutharacha Chicken Curry.  Chicken cooked with spice and toasted coconut paste. A very aromatic and rustic curry that goes well with Rice and Kerala bread.

The Recipe Intro↓ has , more information about this recipe and includes the Recipe Video. If you’d like to check it out.

read the recipe introduction Grandmas Kannur Varutharacha Chicken Curry

Grandmas Kannur Varutharacha Chicken Curry  300x169 Grandmas Kannur Varutharacha Chicken Curry


Chicken, bone-in 1 kg
Red Onions, sliced 5 medium-sized
Fresh Ginger, crushed 2 Tbsp
Medium tomatoes, sliced 2
Green chillies, slit through the middle 4-5
Fennel seeds 1/2 tsp
Clove 1
Green cardamom 2
Cinnamon 2 small sticks
Garam Masala (Use Kerala Garam Masala, see notes) 1 1/2 tsp
Black pepper powder 1/3- 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves A handful
Coconut oil 4-5 Tbsp
Salt 1 tsp (to taste)

For Toasted Coconut Paste:

Grated coconut 200-250 gms
Coconut oil 2 Tbsp
Garlic 10 large cloves
Coriander powder 2 1/2 Tbsp
Chilli powder 2 1/2 Tbsp
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp


  1. Prep: Clean, de-skin, and cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces. Rinse the chicken thoroughly and keep drained for a while before adding the marination.
  2. Toasted coconut paste: For very fresh grated coconut with good creamy quality, oil is not needed to roast the coconut, However, if your grated coconut is pre-packaged and probably not so moist, I recommend adding 1-2 Tbsp of coconut oil to the wok and heat before adding the grated coconut.(Method follows).
  3. Heat coconut oil(2Tbsp) in a wide, heavy-based pan. Add the grated coconut(200-250 gms).
  4. Stir fry continuously for 12 – 15 minutes on medium heat.
  5. When you see the coconut is just starting to change in color (around 3-4 minutes in), add the garlic(10large cloves) and continue stir-frying continuously for the remainder of the time.
  6. We want the coconut to turn golden brown. Do not step away from the wok as this can cause the coconut to turn black on the bottom and will not give good results.
  7. As soon as the golden brown color is achieved,  add the spice powders: Coriander powder(2 1/2Tbsp), Chilli powder(2 1/2Tbsp) and Turmeric powder(1/2tsp). Fry till the spices are fragrant and no longer smelling raw.
  8. Quickly remove the coconut to a plate as it can continue to darken if left in the hot wok.
  9. Now, we need to Grind the roasted coconut to a smooth paste. Traditionally a stone grinder is used(Silbata/ Ammi kall)  to pound this into a paste. It gives awesome results but requires a good amount of elbow grease! These days you can rely on the trusted mixer jar to grind the coconut to a smooth paste as well, with very good results. My tip is to add as little water as required to grind this to a smooth paste. The less water added: the deeper the color your paste will be: and the nicer looking the curry will be. First, pulse the coconut mixture in the mixi-jar, without adding any water till you get a dry chutney texture. Then, add water – a few Tbsp at a time and grind for 15 seconds or so and then REPEAT this process a few times, wiping down the sides of the jar with a spatula each time.. Continue till you end up with a smooth thick, dark golden paste.
  10. Marinate: Add this paste to the drained chicken along with salt(1tsp). Set this aside to (up to 30 minutes), while you prepare all other ingredients.
  11. Cook the Curry: Heat coconut oil(5Tbsp) in a heavy-based, wide-mouthed pot (Uruli / ഉരുളി).
  12. Now add the sliced onions and sauté well. Keep stirring occasionally, making sure there is no browning on the bottom. Add a little salt while sautéing. This speeds up the process and enhances flavor. 
  13. Once the onion mixture just starts to change in color, add the crushed ginger(2Tbsp).
  14. Continue cooking patiently for a total of 10 – 12 minutes, on med-low heat till the onions reduce to a soft, thickened mixture; almost like a paste.
  15. Now, add the slit green chillies to taste as well as the marinated chicken. Toss the chicken on low-medium and stir till well mixed. Then, increase the heat and keep tossing till you can really smell the cooked spice and the chicken turns uniformly opaque.
  16. Add 1 1/2 cups of water and stir once again from the bottom of the pot, ensuring no masala sticks to the surface. Cover and bring to a boil.
  17. Meanwhile, bruise the whole spices: Fennel seeds(1/2 tsp), Clove(1),  Green cardamoms(2), and Cinnamon(2small sticks) using a pestle, very gently.
  18. Once the curry has come to a boil, add the sliced Tomatos, and stir through. Also, add the bruised whole spices and the Garam Masala(1  1/2tsp). Cover and cook for 20 minutes on a very low flame. You can stir once or twice in between.
  19. Open after 20 minutes and add black pepper powder(1/2tsp) and more salt if needed.
  20. Last, crush some curry leaves between your hands and add to the curry. Simmer uncovered on lowest heat for a final 10 minutes.
  21. Delicious and aromatic – Kannur Style Varutharacha Chicken Curry is ready to be served with rice, roti, Pathiri, idiyappam, etc..

Grandma’s Kannur Varutharacha Chicken Curry


  • There should be no water in the chicken when you add the ground coconut paste. That is why draining thoroughly is recommended.
  • The color of the toasted coconut paste will change depending on the type of chilli powder used. Kashmiri chilli powder will give in a red tinge, like mine and if you are using hot chilli powder, it will be darker brown.
  • This curry can be made in earthenware or a pressure cooker. I usually make it in a heavy-based wide pot / uruli. Uruli ( ഉരുളി) is a traditional cookware extensively used South Indian state of Kerala.
  • Roma tomatoes are best for this curry or Kerala Nadan tomatoes.
  • Kerala Garam Masala

Key Ingredients: Chicken, Coconut, Whole Spices, Powdered spices, Coconut Oil, Ginger, Garlic, Green Chillies, Tomatoes, Curry leaves, Salt.

read the recipe introduction Grandmas Kannur Varutharacha Chicken Curry

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    Sneha Kuruvilla 4 years ago

    Hi Shana,
    I made this curry, just like you have shown.. God it was so delicious. My husband, told me to definitely make it next time we guests. So yummy. really thanks to you Shana

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    Sheen Johnson 3 years ago

    Unique marination made a difference. Mixed used of spices (whole, crushed and powdered) was brilliant. Method initially looked long but when done was simple. Recipe introduction had some useful notes to follow. Used a rural chicken. The final dish was well balanced and flavorful.

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    lalithal 2 years ago

    Wonderful recipe. I tried it. Tasted just like my grandmother’s recipe. Appreciate you sharing this with us.

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