
Frozen Coconut Praline Soufflé

Frozen Coconut Praline Soufflé
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Frozen Coconut Praline Soufflé

®This is a RAS signature Recipe©

Feel intimidated when it comes to baking Souffles?  Try a frozen souffle. The ‘illusion‘  that creates a pretty awesome, cold – dessert! This Frozen Coconut Praline Souffle is very yummy indeed!

The Recipe Intro↓ has more information, images, related links as well as the Recipe Video. If you’d like to check it out.

Prep time:

read the recipe introduction Frozen Coconut Praline Soufflé

%name Frozen Coconut Praline Soufflé

You can strike through ingredients, as you prep them, by clicking on the ingredient.


Sugar 1/2 cup
Egg whites (kept at room temperature for 20-30 minutes) 3
Coconut Cream - left overnight in the fridge till stiff 1 cup/ 240 mls
Chilled Whipping Cream 3/4 cup /200 mls

For the Praline:

Sugar 1/2 cup
Flaked almonds 1/4 cup
Salt A pinch

You will need:

2 larger (7-oz) ramekins or 4  smaller (4-oz) ramekins

Make sure that your coconut cream is chilled overnight, that the whipped cream is also chilled and that the eggs are at room temperature before you begin.

%name Frozen Coconut Praline Soufflé


  1. Make the Praline first: Line a large baking tray with foil paper and set it aside.
  2. Add the sugar(1/2cup) with a pinch of salt to a dry nonstick pan over moderate heat. Do not stir till it begins to melt. Then, continue to cook, stirring occasionally until sugar is melted into a deep golden caramel. Add the flaked almonds(1/4cup) and stir through quickly. It is vital that you stop when your reach a deep golden color. Cook it too long, and you will get a strong burnt sugar -bitter taste!
  3. Immediately – remove from heat and pour the caramel over the prepared, foil-lined tray. Careful not to drop any on your fingers in the process, as it is really hot and can immediately burn your skin if you get any on yourself.
  4. Spread with the back of a wooden spoon and leave till it hardens for about 5 -10 minutes.
  5. Prepare the Ramekins: Depending on the size of your ramekins, Cut out folded strips of parchment paper long enough to wrap around the ramekin. These ‘collars’ should also come about 2 inches above the rim of the ramekin in height. Secure the collars with an elastic/rubber band around the outside of the ramekins.
  6. Once the praline is cool and set, break a few larger pieces to use as decoration. Add the rest into a large ziplock back and use a rolling pin to crush them to a grainy texture.  Set that aside.
  7. Beat egg whites: Separate just the egg whites(3), and add to a dry and clean bowl. Beat – using electric beaters, and once the egg whites are foamy – add the sugar(1/2cup). Continue to beat at medium-high speed till  medium peaks and a glossy texture is achieved. Use a spatula to scrape out the beaten eggs whites and add to another dry bowl.
  8. Whip the creams together: To the same bowl used earlier, add the chilled-stiff coconut cream(1cup), along with the whipping cream(3/4cup) and Vanilla bean paste(1Tbsp). Beat till you reach soft peaks.
  9. Combine the lightness element(eggwhites) and flavor element(cream and vanilla):  Fold the whipped egg whites into the whipped cream in two additions, swiftly without over mixing. Also, add a couple of spoons of the crushed praline with each addition. You don’t need to use all the praline, you can reserve the rest to serve on the side, later.
  10. Use a regular piping bag to fill the prepared ramekins to go at least 1 inch above the rim. This is what the extended ‘collars’ are used for.
  11. Spread the tops gently to level. Place on a tray and cover loosely with saran wrap/cling film.
  12. Freeze the soufflés until set, at least 4 hours before serving.
  13. Remove the parchment paper collars and top each soufflé with a prepared praline and fruit to decorate as desired.

%name Frozen Coconut Praline Soufflé

Frozen Coconut Praline Soufflé


  •  In the video, I have used 200 ml of coconut cream and 240 ml of whipping cream, whereas the recipe states 240 mls coconut cream with 200 ml of whipping cream. Both work just fine; use more coconut cream than whipping cream if you like a slightly more pronounced flavor of coconut, as I do:)
  • If you do not have coconut cream, and instead have access to only canned coconut milk, you can place the unopened can in the fridge overnight. Open the can the next day(do not shake it prior to opening) and spoon off the coconut cream only – that has moved to the top… Measure this and chill it until ready to use.
  • If you are unable to chill the cream overnight, at least chill for 6 hours. You can place it in the freezer for 30 minutes- to one hour to speed up the process but do not freeze the cream.
  • Once frozen, you can remove and decorate after four hours. It will be a lovely frozen mousse texture. If you freeze it longer, you may have to leave it at room temperature for a while before serving. This will depend on the climate in your region.
  • Strawberries and Bananas are my choices for fruit deco on this Souffle.
  • I use Kara brand Coconut Cream. It is my preferred choice for over 20 years and I like it in both savory and sweet recipes.

%name Frozen Coconut Praline Soufflé

Key Ingredients: Coconut Cream, Whipping cream, Sugar, Eggs, Vanilla, Almond, Salt, Fruit topping.

read the recipe introduction Frozen Coconut Praline Soufflé

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