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RASAM – A South Indian Tradition

5 September, 2024  Shana Shameer Avatar
RASAM – A South Indian Tradition
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RASAM is a tangy, spiced “soup-like” dish that has a distinctive flavor. Rasam is a South Indian preparation, made with tamarind, tomato, spices, and herbs. It is usually served alongside rice but can be enjoyed on its own as well.

It is soothing and comforting and is often also prepared when someone has the flu.

There are many types of Rasam, some containing additional souring agents and dals. I will try to share the ones I like here.

kerala style rasam recipe

Significance of Rasam in South Indian Meals:

Rasam is a staple in South Indian preparation, often served as part of the traditional meal known as a “thali.” It holds cultural and culinary importance for several reasons:

  1. Rasam is known for its digestive properties, with ingredients like black pepper, cumin, and asafoetida, which are believed to aid digestion. This makes it an ideal dish to be consumed at the end of a meal.
  2. Rasam is a deeply rooted tradition in South Indian households, family recipes often passed down through generations,  It represents comfort food for many and is associated with home-cooked meals and family gatherings.
  3. Rasam can be served with rice, after the meal or as a soup on its own. Its versatility and relative ease of preparation, makes it a popular choice for various occasions, from everyday meals to festive feasts.
  4. Apart from aiding digestion, the spices and ingredients in rasam are also believed to have medicinal properties, including boosting immunity and providing relief from colds and coughs. It is therefore often made when someone at home is ill.

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Key Ingredients: Tomato, Tamarind, Spices, Garlic, Coriander leaves, Oil, Salt.

EAT AND TELL!!! Let us know if you tried – RASAM

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