Moroccan Baked Salmon – to spice it up !
If you like a spicy baked Salmon, you will love this one. Salmon is a regular item in our house. Twice a week at least, I will prepare salmon. And you know I love variety… There are so many ways to make salmon delicious. This is my new favorite. It’s quick and easy. Spiced and jazzed up with the flavors of Morocco. You might find it to be your new favorite too 😉
Of all the different fish varieties, salmon is held a step above when it comes to nutritional value. Salmon is also considered to be a ‘brain food’. An excellent source of quality protein, vitamins and minerals (including potassium, selenium and vitamin B12) but they are of course known for the content of omega-3 fatty acids.

Moroccan Baked Salmon
You are here: Quick Browse > Fish & Seafood- > Moroccan Baked Salmon
Recipe Name: Moroccan Baked Salmon Recipe Type: Salmon / baked Author: Shana c/o Recipes ‘R’ Simple Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: ( 1-2 servings) |

See how to make home made : Ras el Hanout , Dried Chilli Paste .
Key Ingredients: Salmon, Chilli Paste, Spices, Dried Herbs, Garlic, Salt, Olive oil.
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