Indomie Noodle Special – turning your Instant Noodles into a complete meal!
Okay, so we all rely on noodles as a quick fix every now and then, when you simply don’t have time to cook anything else and are hungry! Instant Noodles have a huge aisle in most Asian supermarkets. I love to try different brands and flavours every now and then. Some great Korean and Japanese brands out there. Still, there is one brand that I keep coming back to. I have been a fan of these noodles since my early childhood. I am talking about Indomie Instant Noodles! The popular Indonesian brand consists of Instant Egg Noodles, a seasoning packet, chilli powder packet, dark sweet Indonesian Soy Sauce and the flavoured oil. Some packets, come with chilli oil instead of the chilli powder. I am not sure why maybe they are packed that way in certain countries.
For a while, all the Indonesian Noodles were taken off the shelves in Singapore and some other countries, I believe not due to any problem with the product, but due to some import bans for a while due to certain government decisions. We all know about the persistent ‘haze’ problem caused by deliberate flaming of old crops in Indonesia and the inconvenience and health problems caused there as well as the neighbouring countries.
I hope they will find a workaround to the removing of old crops, without having to burn them.
Anyways, when the Indomie disappeared, a new brand entered the scene. Ibumie, and it tastes practically the same as the old Indomie back when I was a child. It is produced in Malaysia and has the same basic flavouring components.
I now buy both brands. The difference is very slight.. and when purchased from Malaysia and Singapore, I found further subtle differences.
So here is a recipe to Make Over your instant Noodles. Cook a couple of packs of these noodles or similar ones and add a few extra ingredients.. Voila, a complete meal is ready. Give it a try!
Scroll down for the Video and Recipe.

Indomie Noodle Special
You are here: Quick Browse > Pasta & Noodles > Indomie Noodles Recipe with Chicken
Recipe Name: Indomie Noodle Special Recipe Type: Pasta/Noodles Author: Shana c/o Recipes ‘R’ Simple Prep time: 10 min Cook time 10 min Total time: 20 min Yield: ( 4 servings ) |
Each pack of Indonesian Instant Noodles contain a dry seasoning powder, a chilli powder as well as a flavoured oil and Indonesian Sweet thick soy sauce. Sometimes, the chilli comes in oil form also. Watch the VIDEO or Click Below to read entire recipe.
Recipe at a Glance:
- Marinate Chicken strips.
- Chop ingredients.
- Cook Chicken and Vegetables by stir-frying.
- Cook noodles separately.
- Toss everything together.