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Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani – Queen of Biryanis

18 September, 2018  Shana Shameer Avatar
Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani – Queen of Biryanis
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Hyderabadi Chicken Dum BiryaniA royal affair with food.

This dish deserves its reputation for Being the Queen amongst Biryanis.

The Nizams were connoisseurs of food and Hyderabad food is a unique fusion combining the tastiest foods of the South with the rich, delicious recipes Mughal cuisine.  So here, we take a look at a delicious recipe for Hyderabad Chicken Biryani.  Traditionally this Biryani is cooked in copper pots for its heat conducting properties on a slow charcoal fire.  Raw Papaya paste is used to tenderize the meat and gorgeous fried onions are used in the marinade.

The aroma that fills the air, while the Biryani cooks… Now that’s enough reason to cook this when you want to impress your guests. The Biryani cooking involves the ‘Dum’ method of cooking, where the biryani pot is sealed with raw dough so that absolutely no steam escapes on a slow ember fire, with hot coals below and on top of the pot. This causes the delicate essence of the spices to penetrate all through the dish and when finally the time comes to crack the seal open, the intense aroma is quite intoxicating.

Authentically, the lamb or chicken is marinated with yogurt, spices, herbs and fried onion for a long period of time and it becomes very tender. Raw papaya paste is the tenderizer and flavor enhancer used here. The uncooked, marinated lamb or chicken is then placed on the bottom of the pot with the rice on top. The Biryani-pot is then sealed either with the dough of cloth and cooked on coals, with live coals on top of the pot as well. In this ‘dum’ or ‘Dumphukt’ method – the meat is cooked and the aroma permeated through the partially cooked rice, while also steaming it through to fluffy perfection.
Since cooking raw meat along with the rice does take some level of practice, I am sharing the method, where the meat is mostly cooked before sealing the pot for ‘dum’. Do try this Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani, it is excellent.

hyderabad chicken biryani recipe

Watch video or Check out the Recipe below.

Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani Masala
My Hyderabadi Biryani Masala

Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani

hyderabadi chicken biryani best
You are here: Quick Browse > Rice > Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani
Recipe Name: Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani
Recipe Type: Rice / Indian
Author: Shana c/o Recipes ‘R’ Simple
Prep time: 
Cook time:
Total time: 
Yield: ( 8- 10  servings)

It is recommended that you open the recipe page and keep this page going if you like to WATCH / LISTEN to the video alongside the written instructions.

In the video below, I am using a 10-liter pressure cooker, as my ‘dumphukt’ pot. The added space over the meat and rice gives more space for steam and softens the rice nicely. No pressure is released, since we are cooking on a low flame, so the steam stays sealed just like regular Dum Biryanis.

For various other methods, of sealing the Dum, check out my other Biryani recipes.

Key Ingredients: Basmati Rice, Chicken, Yoghurt, Mint, Coriander, Onion, Ginger, Garlic, Tomato, Green Chilli, Spices, Oil, Ghee, Spices, Salt.



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