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How to make Fresh Coconut Milk – Video

14 March, 2019  Shana Shameer Avatar
How to make Fresh Coconut Milk – Video
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How to make freshly pressed Coconut Milk, from Grated coconut at home.

Please refer to the video. An appropriate amount of fresh water is added to grated coconut and this is ground together in a strong blender, for about 5 minutes, resting the blender in between as needed. The mixture is then passed through a fine side or cloth strainer and squeezed to the maximum to extract all the resulting liquid and leaving behind the ground grated coconut.

You can make coconut milk from freshly grated coconut or frozen (thawed) grated coconut in this method. You can use a wet grinder ( stone grinder) instead of blender.

The first extraction of coconut milk from squeezing ground coconut mixed with water is known as the first extraction or first press. This is the most concentrated coconut extraction.

When you return the squeezed ground coconut to the blender and add more water, and extract milk the second time. You get a more dilute coconut milk. This is known as the Second extraction or second press.

How to make Fresh Coconut Milk – Video

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