Easy Nutella S’mores
Who says these campfire favorites can’t be made at home? They are sooo simple to make. My girls came home tired and wanted a snack. My pantry was not looking so great but hmm, yes I got marshmallows, graham crackers and no chocolate but yes Nutella!! Nutella S’mores – mmhmm! I showed the girls how to make them and now they can make them for themselves. I help them putting them in the oven and its done in less than 15 minutes.
Easy Nutella S’mores
- 18 squares of Graham Crackers
- 9 large Marshmallows
- 9 Tbsp Nutella
- Preheat oven to medium high.
- Place half the squares on a baking tray, line with baking sheet.
- Place all marshmallows in the microwave for 10 seconds. (This may vary – The marshmallows will puff up to 3 times the original size. Do not microwave longer or you’ll end up with Marshmallow Toffee).
- Spoon one marshmallow on to each cracker on the tray.
- Place in the middle rack of your oven.
- Keep watching, the marshmallows turn golden pretty fast.
- Meanwhile spread the remaining crackers with a tablespoon each of Nutella.
- While still hot place a nuttella cracker over a toasted marshmallow cracker and press gently.
- Serve quickly. What messy deliciousness!
Easy Nutella S’mores
Try and let us know – Easy Nutella S’mores

[…] NUTELLA S’MORES Roast your marshmallow as perfectly as you like, but insted of placing between graham crackers with a wedge of chocolate, spread Nutella on the crackers. The soft, gooey, nutty chocolate spread melts with the mushy mallow and makes for a perfect s’more. […]