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Coconut Caramel Flan

25 June, 2024  Shana Shameer Avatar
Coconut Caramel Flan
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Coconut Caramel Flan

A luscious Coconut Caramel Flan for dessert lovers. It’s very easy to make.

Flan is a smooth and creamy custard dessert typically made with eggs, milk or cream, and sugar. It’s baked or steamed in a mold and often inverted to reveal a beautiful caramel topping. The texture can vary from light and airy to dense and rich, depending on the recipe.

The origins of flan can be traced back to the Roman Empire. Back then, it was a more savory dish, featuring ingredients like fish or meat. Over time, the recipe evolved into a sweeter version flavored with honey. The word “flan” itself comes from the Old French word “flaon,” which has roots in Latin and Old High German, all referring to a “flat cake.”

Fast forward to medieval Europe, where Spain took a particular liking to flan and incorporated caramelized sugar, adding a delightful touch we enjoy today. The influence of the Moors in Spain is also credited with introducing citrus fruits and almonds to the recipe.

When Spanish conquistadors arrived in the Americas, flan became part of the cultural exchange. Mexicans embraced the dessert and further developed it, incorporating flavors like coffee, chocolate, and even coconut. This is where the flan we know and love today took shape.

Scroll down for the Complete Recipe.

Mexican Coconut Caramel Flan recipe and video 1000x666 Coconut Caramel Flan

Coconut Caramel Flan

Mexican Coconut Caramel Flan 1000x666 Coconut Caramel Flan

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Coconut Caramel Flan 1000x666 Coconut Caramel Flan

Recipe Name: Coconut Caramel Flan
Recipe Type: Desserts/ Mexican / Baked
Author: Shana @ RecipesareSimple
Prep time: 
Cook time: 55
Total time: 
Yield: (8-10 servings  )

Watch the Video or click to read Complete Recipe – Below. 

How to make Coconut Caramel Flan- Recipe at a glance:

  • Preheat your oven.
  • Prepare Caramel and pour into glan mold or cake pan.
  • Blend remaining flan ingredients.
  • Strain gently over the caramel line cake pan.
  • Place in a water bath.
  • Bake for 45 minutes.
  • Chill till cold and set.
  • Unmold and serve.

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  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 5 Eggs
  • 1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk (385 ml)
  • 1 can Kara Coconut Milk (400 ml)
  • 1/2 can of Low fat Evaporated milk (202 ml)
  • 2 tsp Mexican Vanilla or Madagascar Vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp Lime juice, freshly squeezed
  • A tiny pinch of Salt

CLICK HERE FOR RECIPE Coconut Caramel Flan

Same Recipe Video is available on the Recipe page⇑.

On Laptop, is recommended that you open the recipe page and keep this page going if you like to WATCH / LISTEN to the video alongside the written instructions.

Key Ingredients: Sweetened Condensed Milk, Coconut Milk, Evaporated Milk, Eggs, Vanilla, Lime, Salt. Caramel: Sugar.

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