How to make Perfect Yoghurt
I use a LOT of yoghurt in my cooking, in salads, dips and I love to eat it plain as well.Buying that much yoghurt is a lot of dollars and not much (sense)… when making absolutely perfect yoghurt is so easy and saves you so much money! You need a very small quantity of yoghurt to start with and it should be very fresh. I make yoghurt regularly… It took me a long time to make perfect Yoghurt. Sometimes my yoghurt would be slimy, and I never understood why. I later realized that straining the milk mixture to remove the cream is an important part to making the yoghurt perfect. You also need a good quality full cream milk – I tried so many varieties before finding the perfect one.
The temperature is also a vital part. And you do NOT need a thermometer. Your index finger will tell you! Follow my recipe for perfect Home made yoghurt and trust me!
How to make Perfect Yoghurt
- 1 Litre Milk – Use normal full cream milk as opposed to Light or Low fat.
- 1 Rounded Tbsp of fresh yoghurt ( as starter) – Do not use yoghurt that has gone old or too sour or your Resulting yoghurt will be of a slimy texture and poor taste. Use naturally set, normal yoghurt as opposed to light / low fat or greek yoghurt. Or reserve some of your own home made yoghurt as the starter for the next batch. Do not use the yoghurt left at the bottom of your store – bought or home made yoghurt. ( this will result in poor quality of yoghurt) Always reserve a fresh spoon of yoghurt in a sterile container for making the next batch of yoghurt.
You will also need
- A large sauce pan for boiling the milk.
- A sterile, dry container to make yoghurt (with lid) – Earthen Pots Are ideal or good quality tupperware. It should be able to hold the volume of milk we are using. Remember that 1 Litre of Milk will produce the same amount of Yoghurt.
- A sterile , dry wooden spoon.
- A tea strainer.
- Prepare the Yoghurt “Setting” Container. The container for setting the yoghurt should be completely sterile, free from any odor and DRY.
Take the one tablespoon of yoghurt and brush it all over the bottom and sides of the container.
Place the tea strainer over the container and set aside.
- Add the milk to the sauce pan and bring to a boil.
- Keep removing the film of cream that develops on the surface of the milk We will not use this.
- As soon as the milk just starts to foam and bubble. Turn off the heat. Remove from stove.
- Allow the milk to cool down slightly.
- WAIT FOR A FEW MINUTES and start testing with your index finger.
- Insert index finger into centre of hot milk. If it is too hot to keep your finger there for 5 SECONDS, its not the right temperature.
- Test again after a minute. When you can insert your index finger and count to FIVE but not keep it in longer than 5 seconds…. THAT is the perfect temperature.
- I stand and count (1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi 4 Mississippi 5 Mississippi)
- It should still be quite hot but only as hot that you can dip your index finger in the milk for 5 seconds without burning yourself. It will still be too hot to keep your finger in longer than 5 seconds.
- Pour the milk through the strainer into the container.
- Do not stir. Place lid on container lightly. (Do not seal shut).
- Leave in a corner where the container will not be moved or disturbed till set. 8-10 hours depending on surrounding temperature. Once set, Close the lid tightly and place in the refrigerator. Allow to chill completely before initial use for best results.

How to make Perfect Yoghurt
Try and let us know if you tried – How to make Perfect Yoghurt.
Thanks for all the tips in making yoghurt. I followed these steps to a T and got the perfect yoghurt I was trying to make! Even better than store bought! 😀 The only change I would make next time would be setting the yoghurt in a glass container, because the plastic container I used was hot throughout the 6-8 hours and I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.
Great that you are making home made yoghurt.. Its si much better. And agreed. Nowadays i make yoghurt using a ceramic jar (pictured) and it is much better.